La Mouette (super soaring)

kr 35500

La Mouette: The ultimate Kiterisers glider featuring progressive reflex profile
by LittleCloud and semi-closed cell technology for unparalleled control and performance!

La Mouette, the seagull in French is the Kiterisers specific glider from LittleCloud.
A soaring machine designed to be used with the angle of attack control though the toggle-what we call Kiterisers, ie speed-control at your fingertips.

It benefits from Tom’s 25 years’ experience in Miniwing and Kite design!

Extremely intuitive, easy to use, fun to pilot, it will put a big smile on your face!

Whether you’re looking for a smooth comfortable ride or more aggressive flying, it’s suitable to a large range of flying styles thanks to its extremely precise and progressive control.

It is dedicated to pilots with a minimum of paragliding or Miniwing experience.

The range is divided into 2 groups:

The light wind glider-designed to let you enjoy the lightest breezes of air.
With 5.9 aspect ratio, we focused on efficiency and handling.

Everything is optimised, from the planform to the fabric blend to offer you the best experience in the air.

The medium to stronger wind gliders so you can play when the wind picks up.
With 5.2 aspect ratio, we focused on extremely precise handling with very neutral and instant reactions.

La Mouette will be only delivered in flashy colours!


As always we rose up the design expectations… making a glider that just works isn’t enough for us!

The challenge was to keep the LC feeling, but add more stability at low angles of attack while keeping very high efficiency with of course a very high level of safety (still, Safety comes from both the glider and the pilot).
Stability is one key point, but not the only one.
La Mouette is not design with an “Auto pilot” mode. As any aircraft with human onboard, it need a pilot that fly in conscience.

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906 75 405

920 51 384

Da har jeg endelig fått testet La Mouette skikkelig. Fikk den rett før sommeren og har flydd den gjennom sommeren i Bodø, Lofoten og Harstad. Jeg har flydd den med en takeoff vekt på ca 90kg og har flydd Puffin 16 med kiterisers tidligere.
Jeg er utrolig imponert over hvor godt denne vingen flyr på hang. Jeg har flere timer på hang med den i sommer sammen med store vinger. Den har også vært med på flere fjellturer hvor den har vært helt nydelig. Får lett pakket vingen med butterflyselen til LC, hjelm og nødvendige klær i en 40L tursekk. Riserne er veldig enkle å sortere på start og vingen kommer veldig fint opp baklengs, selv i relativt lite vind. I nullforhold synes jeg den er noe vanskelig å starte, så viktig å finne gode starter. Om man ikke har flydd vinger med kiterisers før vil jeg anbefale på det sterkeste å groundhandle vingen før man flyr den. Gleder meg til vinteren og endeløs kiting med denne vingen!

– Birk – 

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