As a reminder, Gracchio is the Italian name for the Alpine Chough, a bird we see everywhere in the mountains and that likes to fly for fun!
The Gracchio Mk2 is expanding its pilots’ range. This glider follows the LittleCloud formula with a moderate aspect ratio, a very pitch stable behavior, and extremely fun to fly! The Goal was to increase the usability from the Original Gracchio, in reducing the “power” feeling which was intimidating some pilots.
The Glider uses the Urubu airfoil with smaller air intakes.
The speciality of this airfoil is its efficiency and extreme safety (extremely pitch stable even after massive collapses, and huge brake travel).
- LC inflation: 100% control of the rise, the wing strictly follows the pilot’s decision!
- Bitey in the thermal
- Sharp, precise, and super fun handling.
- Comfortable and soft communication.
- Very high level of passive safety: Huge brake range, extremely pitch stable (the glider doesn’t shoot forward).
- Very fun! A real LittleCloud glider!
The Gracchio Mk2 is aimed for autonomous pilots looking for a glider which will not limit their desire of flying XC, soaring, or hike and fly.
It’s a perfect step up after the GT2 for pilots aiming for more experience with LittleCloud.
Be aware that this kind of wing, because of its’ performance, is not designed to compensate for the lack of skill or experience of the pilot, even though its potential allows it to fly longer and further!

For mer deltaljer om spesifikasjoner så følg vedlagt link til Little Cloud sin hjemmeside.
Kontakt oss ved interesse:
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920 51 384
Dette blir årets hike & fly vinge! Veldig lett å starte både i null vind og i den øvre grensen av vind. Leken og lett handling som er responsiv og presis. Med denne er det lett å ta de smaleste boblene i vårtermikken. Det er en semi lett vinge, som pakker lite men som fortsatt tåler de norske litt steinete og rufsete startene. Dette er en vinge jeg tror flere hike and fly entusiaster kan ha glede av, og en skal heller ikke kimse av den som en preformance vinge til de som vil ta steget videre fra en low B heller. Dette er en god og trygg vinge som kan gi massevis av læring og erfaring til piloten på en moro og leken måte.